A place for mundanity

Recently I got a request from a Facebook page that I like to follow for the positive memes.  The request was from the owner of the page.  She was asking for prayers to give her strength to deal with the dark forces that were invading her life.  Those dark forces were stopping her from making an income and she needed all the white light and magics she could muster to get them out of her life.

I don’t know all of the specifics of the request, but it reminded me of another one I had years ago as a Wiccan priestess.  I was contacted by a couple who were trying to get the demon that had attached itself to them to leave.  Their theory was that the demon didn’t want them to be together because even though they loved each other, they would yell and bicker about everything and just couldn’t get along.

Don’t get me wrong here, there is a place for magic and spell work to help things move along, but there is also a need to do everything that is physically possible to make things work for yourself too.  Praying to the Gods and the spells are only a piece of the puzzle to get through the rough spots in your life.

I have a great example that I thought of while driving home last evening.  Here in the Midwest, the darkness falls quickly.  That darkness, along with the time of year, means a great amount of deer in my neighborhood.  Deer getting hit by vehicles is an unfortunate, yet frequent event.  To prevent this, I have some spell work on my vehicle and created a reiki shield to help keep deer and any other animals out of my way.  Now I could just rely on that, but I don’t.  Instead I also drive slower at night, don’t tailgate, and choose roads where I haven’t seen as many deer moving.  So far I have been very thankful that I haven’t hit anything.  All three of these things I believe have had a hand in that.

Recognizing that there is mundane work to do in my book is a must for any magic practitioner.  It’s described as a foot in both worlds.  We are in the world, but not fully a part of the world.  This is a hard thing to remember at times, but it is a critical thing to keep in mind.

Author: Annora

I am a runner, yogi and polytheist that has a passion for learning, especially when it comes to deep healing, management of chronic illness, and understanding the world around me. My joy comes from taking what I learn and using it to help others in my community.

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